27 Nov.
Sharing Session

Posted by Haotian Shen

In this acitivity, Lecheng Zhang shared his research experience in the field of deep learning, and introduced his first paper published in NeurIPS. Gehua Weng shared his competition experience in iGEM, including the process of project design, methods of tackling difficulties. Dean Li also participated in the activity with interesting questions and gave us some advice on how to make presentations.

21 Oct.
Introductory Biology Pre-exam Review Activity

Posted by Haotian Shen

To foster the academic atmosphere within the college and assist fellow students in preparing for the Introductory Biology exam, we launched a pre-exam collaborative discussion event. Students enjoyed the opportunity of exchanging ideas with classmates and the professor Yanbo Mao.

18 Oct.
Carson's Birthday

Posted by Jiawei Zhou

On this day, a special student in our college celebrated his birthday. Carson had just won a football game. I'm sure it was the best birthday present for him. We sincerely wished Carson an unforgettable college experience.

23 Sept.
Birthday Party

Posted by Jiawei Zhou

On this day, students with birthdays in nearly three months spent their birthdays together in the college. We added our sincere wishes into the delicious cake and had a wonderful evening together.

1 June.
IELTS Training Classes Given by Boai

Posted by Haotian Shen

When the results of the IELTS simulation exam were released, students in Alpha College were dissatisfied with their results, so the seniors and students took the test together and meticulously discussed it.

3 May
Birthday Party

Posted by Haotian Shen

We held the birthday party for the students who were born from March to May (Shuhan Zhao, Gehua Weng and Yuanshi Wang) We prepared a lot of food and drinks for college members (of course, cake is critical). Afterwards, we played vairious board games participated by our senior.

9 Apr.
Sodality with Zhejiang University

Posted by Shuhan Zhao

Organized by Yuanshi Wang and other undergraduate students, we warmly welcomed the students from Danyang&Qingxi Community, Zhejiang University. After introducing our college to them, we also played board games, kayaking and flying kites. At night, we tried ballroom dancing. At the beginning, the students were a little shy. With the slow flow of music, they gradually became relaxed. Everyone enjoyed the fun of dancing, and the first sodality of Westlake College came to a successful end in a vibrant atmosphere.

5 Mar.
Girls' Day

Posted by Haotian Shen

This Girl's Day, we invited teachers and senior students to have a fun meeting to share the experience and secrets of male and female communication. There are also plenty of drinks and board games to promote friendship among students. At the end of the event, we prepared gifts for the only girl in each college.

25 Feb.
Lively College during Live Streaming

Posted by Yuqi Shen

The Alpha Academy's undergraduate enrollment presentation at Westlake University was a lively affair. Attendees played tabletop games, constructed Westlake University in Minecraft, built websites, and even tackled homework. The event was a great success and generated a lot of interest among potential students.
The Alpha Academy's presentation at West Lake University was lively and engaging. Attendees played games, built websites, and tackled homework, generating interest among potential students. The innovative approach made a great impression on both attendees and virtual viewers. Such events are effective in promoting universities and attracting students seeking unique academic experiences. Overall, the event was a huge success and will undoubtedly continue to generate enthusiasm among potential students.

12 Feb.
Back-to-school Party

Posted by Yuanshi Wang

Gehua Weng played a key role in organizing and hosting the entire back-to-school party, and he gave a presentation about our memories and achievements in the previous semester with various ppts prepared in advance. The collegemates listened attentively and seated comfortably, with an abundance of drinks and snacks within reach.
Mr. Lee, the head of the College, mingled with the students and participated in college activities。 As he watched the students enjoying the cake and participating in various activities, Mr. Li, the college president, smiled contentedly.
Meanwhile, the counselor, Mr. Cao, offered guidance about the upcoming semaster to students in a serious yet humorous manner.
After a game of Lyrics Guessing, Shuleyi Zheng and Haotian Shencut the birthday cake together, much to the anticipation of the other students who were eagerly looking forward to the celebration of their classmates' birthdays and the strengthening of their bonds of friendship.


12 Nov.
First Westlake University Games

Posted by Feifan Huang

Nine Alpha Academy students achieved excellent results at the first sports meet of West Lake University on November 12, 2022. They won awards in various events, showcasing their outstanding athletic abilities and team spirit. Congratulations to them on their success!

7 Oct.
Board Game Party

Posted by Gehua Weng

A god-given activity composed of Werewolves of Miller's Hollow with werewolves winning all the games and UNO with 10+ players.

PS: Enclosed here with the UNO loser's forced Solitary Brave

6 Oct.
Everlasting Midnight Snacks ③

Posted by Shuhan Zhao

Crazy Thursday! Thanks to the contribution of Gehua Weng, we succeeded having KFC on Thursday in the campus. (Could KFC be added to our university? We need crazy Thursday!)

25 Sept.
Everlasting Midnight Snacks ②

Posted by Shuhan Zhao

Midnight snacks again. Yummy!!!

23 Sept.
Everlasting Midnight Snacks ①

Posted by Haotian Shen

After the weekly meeting, Yuanshi Wang came up with a wonderful idea, he ordered some midnight snacks. Boai Sun also taught us to play guiter!