Although the content of this class covers many knowledge that OIers have learned, I still gain some interesting insights from it, like a new way to Vertex Contraction, brief explanation of short path algorithms…
Master Theorem
Vertex Contraction
Kosaraju’s Algorithm
- Reverse the graph.
- DFS the reversed graph and get the finishing time of each node.
- DFS the original graph according to the finishing time. The nodes in the same SCC will be visited in the same DFS.
Shortest Path
1. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
We can imagine the algorithm as water flowing from the source to the destination. The speed of the flowing is 1 distance/s and theorically we will check whether nodes are immersed at each time.
2. Bellman-Ford Algorithm
This algorithm mainly solve the problem of negative weight edges. the outest loop is the number of hops, and if after V-1 times, the distance is still updated, then there must be a negative cycle since there must be a circle in this path.
Minimum Spanning Tree
Easy way to check whether it belongs to MST
Yes: Smallest edge between two cuts;
No: The biggest edge in the cycle.